Integrated Communication Systems in Gerlach, NV Logo
Call 775-782-4303

"Integrated Communication Systems" Services in Gerlach, NV has been our specialty.

Gerlach, NV "Integrated Communication Systems" Services Done Right!
Choose a local Gerlach, NV company that handles "Integrated Communication Systems" Services
If you need "Integrated Communication Systems" Services help..Call 775-782-4303
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About United Electrical
When it comes to providing Integrated Communication Systems services in the Gerlach, NV area, United Electrical and its president Robert Faiss has ensured their customers are fully satisfied for over 20 years when it comes to your Integrated Communication Systems projects. Our goal when we started in 1985 was to create a company that believed in reliable and honest Integrated Communication Systems projects. United Electrical has grown to over 50 full time employees and our Integrated Communication Systems services has branched into the industrial, commercial, government, fire alarm, security and other low voltage venues in the Gerlach, NV area. If you are in the Gerlach, NV area, please give United Electrical a call at 775-782-4303.
What Makes Us Unique?
At United Electrical, we aim to provide our valued customers with the highest quality craftsmanship and service in all Integrated Communication Systems projects. United Electrical focuses on personal service and satisfaction guarantee when it comes to your Integrated Communication Systems needs, as evidenced by being voted the best Electrical Contractor in 1999, 2000 and 2003 in the Gerlach, NV area. United Electrical has experienced people in the Gerlach, NV area to provide the Integrated Communication Systems services you need backed by our personal guarantee of complete satisfaction. For an estimate in the Gerlach, NV area, please give United Electrical a call at 775-782-4303.
bottom of unique
- A/V Equipment or Home Entertainment System - Install
- A/V Equipment or Home Entertainment System - Repair
- Alarm or Security System - Install
- Alarm or Security System - Repair
- Attic or Whole House Fan - Repair
- Butler Call Systems
- Refrigeration System - Install or Replace
- CATV Systems
Welcome to United Electrical

In telecommunication, a communications system is a collection of individual communications networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary stations, and data terminal equipment (DTE) usually capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an integrated whole. The components of a communications system serve a common purpose, are technically compatible, use common procedures, respond to controls, and operate in unison.

Some Recent Projects
United Electrical Services Collage

Contact United Electrical

Thank you for visiting our Integrated Communication Systems website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our Integrated Communication Systems products or services.



United Electrical
2551 Precision Drive Suite A
Minden, NV 89423

We would love to solve your Integrated Communication Systems needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Gerlach, NV could.